About Us

Alvin S. Hatch Elementary School is one of four elementary schools in the Cabrillo Unified School District. Hatch Elementary is committed to helping children become lifelong learners in an environment that values academic excellence and global understanding. Our school is unique in the district because we provide two pathways of learning for students. The first is a traditional English program and the second is a Two-Way Bilingual Immersion ( English-Spanish TWBI) program.  We are fortunate to have several student teachers and interns on campus each year due to strong partnerships with Stanford University and the Amity Institute. Our parent organizations (PTO, SIPA, and ELAC) allow parents to become active members of the Hatch community and support the school in many wonderful ways.

Two Pathways.

There are two educational pathways at Hatch: the English-Only program (Traditional) and the Two-Way Bilingual Immersion program (Spanish and English).

English-Only (Traditional): Instruction is offered in English. Academic instruction is offered in English in alignment with all other district elementary schools.

Two-Way Bilingual Immersion  (Spanish and English): Starting in Kindergarten, instruction is offered in Spanish 90% of the time and English is introduced gradually over the years. By 5th grade, students are taught in each language 50% of the time. By the end of high school, students in the TWBI (Immersion) program are fluent and literate in both languages.

One Destination.

Every student shall be empowered to achieve the highest of skills academically, linguistically, and socially while developing self-esteem and creativity. We believe education is the shared responsibility of parents, students, and the community in partnership with the school.

Our Principal



Dear Hatch CommunityNew leaders,

 I am so excited to be joining the team!
During my interview with the panel from Hatch – and later in my conversations with district leadership – I felt a
genuine sense of warmth and welcome that made my decision to join the Hatch community an easy one, made with
a grateful heart, and with the confidence that my initial impression will be fortified by the upcoming interactions I look
forward to having with each of you.
I come to this role with nearly a decade of school leadership experience, first as an Elementary Assistant Principal &
EL Specialist in Moss Landing, then in Watsonville as a site Academic Coordinator. I am returning to the California
coast after spending three years as the Manager of K-12 Student Support Services for a tribal school in western
Before making the transition to school leadership, I spent 18 years in the classroom, teaching grades 3 through 9. I
came to the career of teaching reluctantly… but what started off as a short stint as a volunteer in a 1 st grade
classroom has turned into a vocation of over 25 years. My first public school teaching experience was as a 4 th
Grade English Immersion teacher; since then I have sought positions that have provided me greater influence in
deconstructing institutional barriers to student success. When I transitioned to teaching middle school, I was
fortunate to be tasked with instructing students in Honors English and AVID programs, facilitating trips to universities
and coordinating other opportunities for enrichment. Having experiences in these and other unique settings has
informed my philosophy about providing students the tools that they need through a lens of educational equity. Not
all students need all the same things and that’s where the art of teaching comes in; the great art of education is in
finding the right combination of supports for each of our young scholars who walk through every classroom door
every day.
I have the tremendous good fortune of extending a welcome to the newly hired Assistant Principal of Hatch, Jose
Campos. A Peninsula native, Jose’s family migrated from Guadalajara Jalisco and Yurécuaro Michoacan to the
Mission District of San Francisco. He attended Pacific Heights in San Bruno, Oceana High in Pacifica and Skyline
College. He is a UCSC graduate, and SFSU graduate and has a BCLAD credential. Jose comes to us with
extensive experience working in communities of non-native speakers and is truly embedded in the community, living
just blocks from the Hatch campus.
My learning continues to galvanize my aspiration to work with like-minded advocates, particularly when educational
leadership decisions matter most. I believe that the turning point for students is access to high-quality, inclusive
instructional practice, and that my own turning point continues to be the privilege of working within communities that
support those students – and practitioners – not only in attaining academic achievement, but in thriving in all aspects
of life.
I often like to assign “optional” parent homework at the beginning of every school year. As I get to know the
students of Hatch, I welcome letters from you – their families – introducing me to who they are as young people, as
you know them best. Summer trips, talents and aspirations, academic engagement, personality quirks, or any
unique attribute that your child brings to school that you choose to share with me, I welcome hearing from you.
I look forward to embarking on this new professional adventure and continue to be so happy that I’ve landed at Hatch.
Qerida comunidad de la Escula Primara Hatch,
¡Estoy tan emocionada de unirme al equipo!
Durante mi entrevista con el panel de Hatch, y más tarde en mis conversaciones con los líderes del
distrito, sentí una genuina sensación de calidez y bienvenida que hizo que mi decisión de unirme a la
comunidad de Hatch fuera fácil, tomada con un corazón agradecido y con la confianza. que mi impresión
inicial se verá fortalecida por las próximas interacciones que espero tener con cada uno de ustedes.
Llegué a este puesto con casi una década de experiencia en liderazgo escolar, primero como
subdirectora de primaria y especialista EL Moss Landing, luego en Watsonville como coordinadora académica
del plantel. Regreso a la costa de California después de pasar tres años como Gerente de Servicios de Apoyo
Estudiantil K-12 para una escuela Nativos Americanos en el oeste de Washington.
Antes de hacer la transición al liderazgo escolar, pasé 18 años en el salón de clases, enseñando de los
grados 3 al 9. Llegué a la carrera de enseñar de renuente... pero lo que comenzó como un breve período como
voluntaria en un salón de clases de primer grado se convirtió en una vocación de más de 25 años. Mi primera
experiencia docente en una escuela pública fue como maestra de inmersión en inglés de cuarto grado; desde
entonces he buscado posiciones que me han proporcionado una mayor influencia para remover las barreras
institucionales para el éxito de los estudiantes. Cuando hice la transición a la enseñanza en la escuela
intermedia, tuve la suerte de tener la tarea de instruir a los estudiantes en los programas de inglés avanzado y
AVID, facilitando los viajes a las universidades y coordinando otras oportunidades de enriquecimiento. Tener
experiencias en estos y otros entornos únicos ha informado mi filosofía sobre brindar a los estudiantes las
herramientas que necesitan a través de un lente de equidad educativa. No todos los estudiantes necesitan las
mismas cosas y ahí es donde entra el arte de enseñar; el gran arte de la educación está en encontrar la
combinación correcta de apoyos para cada uno de nuestros jóvenes académicos que pasan por todas las
puertas de las aulas todos los días.
Tengo la enorme suerte de dar la bienvenida al recién contratado subdirector de Hatch, José
Campos. Originario de la Península, la familia de José emigró de Guadalajara Jalisco y Yurécuaro Michoacán al
Distrito de la Misión de San Francisco. Asistió a Pacific Heights en San Bruno, Oceana High en Pacifica y Skyline
College. Es graduado de UCSC y SFSU y tiene una credencial BCLAD. José llega a nosotros con una amplia
experiencia trabajando en comunidades de hablantes no nativos y está realmente integrado en la comunidad,
viviendo a solo unas cuadras del plantel de Hatch.
Mi aprendizaje continúa impulsando mi aspiración de trabajar con defensores de ideas afines,
particularmente cuando las decisiones de liderazgo educativo son más importantes. Creo que el punto de
inflexión para los estudiantes es el acceso a prácticas educativas inclusivas y de alta calidad, y que mi propio
punto de inflexión sigue siendo el privilegio de trabajar dentro de comunidades que apoyan a esos
estudiantes, y profesionales, no solo para lograr logros académicos, sino en prosperar en todos los aspectos
de la vida. A menudo me gusta asignar tareas "opcionales"; para los padres al comienzo de cada año escolar. A
medida que conozco a los estudiantes de Hatch, agradezco las cartas de ustedes, sus familias, que me
presentan quiénes son como jóvenes, como mejor los conocen. Viajes de verano, talentos y aspiraciones,
compromiso académico, peculiaridades de la personalidad o cualquier atributo único que su hijo traiga a la
escuela que elija compartir conmigo, me gustaría saber de usted.
Espero embarcarme en esta nueva aventura profesional y seguir estando tan feliz de haber aterrizado en

With bundled excitement/Con emoción envuelta,

Dr. Ashely Waggle
Alvin S. Hatch Elementary School
Cabrillo Unified School District


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