Hatch PTO 2023-24
Welcome to Hatch Elementary School! The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) works to make Hatch an exceptional place for your children and their teachers.
Our Mission
To promote an active and open partnership within the Hatch Elementary School community in order to inspire students to fully realize their academic, social and emotional potential while nurturing their cultural and community awareness.
Who We Are
If you have a child enrolled at Hatch, then you are a member of the Hatch PTO. There are no dues required. Welcome! We need your help to continue to make Hatch the great school it is.
President - Kelly Northness
Vice President - Caterine Brown
Secretary -
Treasurers -Kate Bello
What We Do
The Hatch PTO raises funds to provide every student at Hatch with important enrichment programs. These include art, music, physical education, library, Amity Interns, assemblies, and much more...
When We Meet
The PTO meets via Zoom on the second Tuesday of every month at 6pm. We encourage everyone to attend and to play an active role in their child's educational experience.