Two-Way Spanish-English Immersion Program
Programa Bilingüe de Inmersión al Español
The Kindergarten through 5th grade Immersion Program is located at Hatch Elementary School. Hatch also has a traditional program on the same campus where traditional and Immersion classes integrate in various arenas.
FOLLOW THIS LINK to view the presentation about the program.
The Two-Way Spanish/English Immersion is a dual language education that combines students from two language groups for instruction in both of their languages. The goals of the program are to develop fluency and literacy in both languages, achieve proficiency in all academic subjects, cultivate an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, and achieve the Seal of Biliteracy award (High School Level). A minimum of a K-5 commitment to the Immersion Program is recommended to succeed in bilingual language development.
Two-way Bilingual Literacy
Recognizing the importance of global students and the need to teach skills to prepare for a global economy, the Two-Way Bilingual Immersion program provides an immersion model for English-speaking students and a bilingual model for Spanish-speaking students. It is an "additive bilingual" program, meaning that all students learn in both languages.
Emphasis on Spanish instruction in the early grades allows English-speakers extensive exposure to Spanish. Spanish-speakers learn their second Language-English without compromising their first language, and with the benefit of primary language support as they learn necessary skills.
Spanish and English instruction is always kept separate, allowing for maximized concentration of both languages. Heterogeneous groupings during the Spanish and English portions of the day provide students with opportunities to assist and learn from one another, allowing second language acquisition to occur naturally.
Students who primary language is not English will receive ELD (English Language Development) instruction. This instruction is 30 minutes daily. Teachers will explicitly instruct students in English to reach academic goals of their second language in the four domains of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students are grouped based on their CELDT (California English Language Development Test) levels and no more than two levels per group. Teachers will be using English curriculum which is aligned with the current ELA (English Language Art) curriculum. English Learners will receive Integrated ELD instruction (all content areas) and designated ELD instruction (30 minutes daily).
Students truly learn from one another, developing high levels of confidence and self-esteem through their study of two languages. Learning comes alive as the beauty of both languages is explored through literature. The goals for the students are to:
- Develop fluency and literacy in Spanish and English
- Achieve proficiency in all academic subjects
- Cultivate an appreciation of other cultures, and develop positive attitudes toward fellow students, their families and community
- Prepare for Advanced Placement Spanish Test
- Seal of Biliteracy Award (High School)
Students may enter at the TK or Kindergarten grade levels. Bilingual students may be admitted at any grade level depending on their level of literacy in Spanish and their oral English proficiency. Skills will be assessed by Immersion Teachers.
Siblings of immersion students TK thru 11th grade are prioritized into the immersion program. If there are no more students - based on a 50% English, 50% Spanish model, than spots, all students will enter into the immersion program. Should there be more students than spots, all of the non-sibling students are entered into the lottery. A parent representative from SIPA is present during the lottery as a guest. After the lottery is held, Pupil Services informs parents as to whether their child will be placed in the immersion program or is on the waitlist - with a ranking number.
If and when a spot opens up, Pupil Services contacts the corresponding parent of the student on the waitlist to confirm that they are still interested in participating in the immersion program.
To enroll your child into the immersion program, first enroll your child into TK or Kindergarten at your home school. (Visit the "Enroll" icon at CUSD's home page. Then fill out the Immersion Application Form and turn it into your home school.
The Spanish Speaking Immersion Program instructors are credentialed bilingual teachers with native-like fluency in Spanish. Resource teachers and Amity Interns also provide support.
6th, 7th & 8th Grades
Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students continue their immersion coursework by participating in the new Spanish Language Arts core class (2 periods) during the regular school day. These classes cover the same grade-level standards that are taught in the mainstream English Language Arts; however, they are conducted in both English and Spanish. Students are placed in these classes pending various assessments and their academic record.
* An exiting 8th grade student will have the ability to read novels in Spanish and be familiar with conventions of Spanish grammar, in addition to understanding the grade-level Common Core standards for Language Arts. Additionally, an 8th grade student will have an understanding of a variety of cultures and be able to converse fluently in English and Spanish.
Spanish Language Arts at Cunha Intermediate
9th through 12th Grades
At Half Moon Bay High School (HMBHS), students typically join the Spanish for Spanish Speakers levels I and II based on the Spanish placement exam administered as 8th graders in the spring of the year prior to their attendance of HMBHS. These classes are taught in Spanish, and covers reading, writing, and grammar skills at a higher level to prepare students for AP courses their following year. The College Board reserves AP-level courses for advanced students, requiring not just strong language skills but also higher-level thinking and interpretation skills typically not developed until high school. Rarely, students with exceptional skills in all areas may be allowed to test into the course their first year.
World Languages at Half Moon Bay High School
Seal of Biliteracy
Exiting students who are fluent speakers, readers and writers of both English and Spanish will receive the Seal of Biliteracy. This award is in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.

Seal of of Biliteracy Adopted

Spanish Immersion Parent Association